And So It Begins
This blog will be a way to document my year long journey of student teaching. I will be in four different settings and will spend the last three months of the school year substitute teaching. I don't really like the title 'student teaching'. I teach. I have taught. I will teach. It's not something I'm unprepared to do one day and magically prepared to do the next. I am a teacher, I just don't get paid for it yet.
I'm not sure how often I will write here, or who I will choose to share it with. I will also keep a private journal with stories that, for reasons of privacy, would not be appropriate to share here.
Join me if you wish on the journey that this year will be. Leave advice, encouragement, and criticism as you feel it will be beneficial to me and/or my students.
I look forward to sharing part of this experience with you.